SouthEastern Freedom Softball Message Board
We will have an umpires clinic for North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia Umpires on January 24th at 1:00 in Burlington North Carolina at City Park, Home Builders Shelter (building) 1501 Overbrook Road Burlington NC 27215. Umpires wanting to work in the Winter World Tournaments must attend this meeting.
To Register:
Todd Bottoms
(910) 443-2443
Thank you for this valuable information. I hope this information will be very helpful to the customers who are seeking such an information. umpires clinic for North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia Umpires is an essential one for the people.
A perfect information for those whom are seeking this.
Thanks for the information. It is nice to see winter world tournaments being conducted.
Writing service
Thanks for this info regarding umpires.
Thank you for providing with the information, The idea of a winter tournament is very exciting and interesting . It is very good to see people are showing their interest. Hoping that it turns out to be a great success. The details provided would be the reference point for so many people. Looking forward to it .
A great step by the management to establish a clinic for sports referees. This will help them in keeping fit to supervise the game as well. They really have a tough job.
I must say that your site is really useful for softball players. But there are not enough information for my researches. I need to write a good essay about your winter competition. If you have some information - please send it to me as soon as possible.
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Thank you for this information.