SouthEastern Freedom Softball Message Board

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8/04/2016 12:53 pm  #1

Start Times for WSS Flood Benefit Covington, VA 8-6-16

Thanks for not only playing Freedom this weekend, but for helping out those in need in White Sulphur Springs.  Entry fee is $250, and needs to be paid PRIOR to playing your 1st game.  Cash or Card ONLY at the field.  If you have not sanctioned with Freedom yet this year, you'll need to pay your 1 time sanctioning fee of $30.  We will have balls for sell at the field Saturday.  $6 a ball or $60 a dozen.  All teams need to be ready to play 30 minutes prior to their game.  Everything is combined this weekend, as it is more about softball community helping give back to those in need.  Going by Lower rules, 2 HR and inning ending out.

Jackson River Park
870 W Edgemont Dr
Covington, VA

Link to Bracket

Please respond via text, message on FB, comment on here or somehow to let me know you have your start times.  Again, thanks for helping out this weekend and continuing to grow Freedom Sports in VA!

Virginia Area Director

5/04/2020 2:14 am  #2

Re: Start Times for WSS Flood Benefit Covington, VA 8-6-16

nice post


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