SouthEastern Freedom Softball Message Board
WHEN : July 22, 2017 WHERE : Durham Parks & Rec (Southern Boundaries & Piney Woods Parks) COST : $300 (+ $30 sanction if not already sanctioned) 3GG ** This will be the first tournament held in Durham. It is also a benefit tournament for Kaitlyn Pojman who suffers with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). CRPS is a painful and debilitating disease which has required her to have several surgeries and undertake many types of treatments. There will be a 50/50 Raffle and silent auctions. Several local businesses have donated gifts to be included in the prize packages or to be raffled off. Please come join us in fighting CRPS !! ** I only have access to 2 fields at this time. So, 10 teams or less, will be a 1-day tournament. Any more than 10 will be a 2-day tournament. Current prize package (more prizes will be entered as teams register): 1st place- plaque + full paid state birth 2nd place- plaque + half paid state birth 3rd place- plaque Teams Entered: 1- Swamp Donkeys- Rec (pending roster)2- Dental Works- Rec (pending roster)3- 4-5-6-7-8-9-10- To enter, please call Andy Conner @ 336-264-2617 or 919-624-6873.
Great post for me. I will consider.
Hello, Thank for update this information